Pregnant after IF

Baby M made delivery interesting (very long)

So, after wrapping my mind around the idea of going late, things changed quickly on Saturday night. Around 6:30 I had small gush, I was wearing a pad and got up to check things out, but as I started up the steps I kept having gushes. Of course I had my in-laws visiting, so I was trying to be inconspicuous, lol.

When I got a look at my pad I had a sinking feeling... The fluid was stained, and I knew this was going to mess with our natural birth plan in every way imaginable.

The doc wanted me in the hospital ASAP, but I talked them into letting me stay home for a couple hours. At triage, they told me I had made no progress. They gave me until midnight to start labor in earnest or start pit. The pit started shortly after midnight and I walked, bounced and coped with increasing pain through the night. By morning,  was struggling, but still slow to progress. After 14 hours of pit induced contractions, I tossed the details of my birth plan and got the epi. I didnt want it, but without it there is no question I would simply have not had the energy to push her out. 

My doc out my mind at ease with a promise that he would not cut unless I was not progressing, so he broke the unwritten rule of baby by 18-24 hrs after stained (or really any) water break. Once I knew I had a shot at still going vaginally I could finally breathe again. I have a back condition that would greatly complicate c-section recovery, so getting this reprieve was everything to me.

We had 5 pediatricians in the delivery room waiting for Miss M in case the meconium was causing her distress. When they heard her wail at 7:21 PM they quickly left and she was suctioned by the regular l&d staff :)

So we we didn't have the birth we planned, but we had a safe one that ended with a happy healthy little girl and we feel incredibly blessed.

We are still at the hospital and probably will have to stay until tomorrow as we work through a bit of jaundice. Little girl has had a tough few days. She is currently skin to skin with me wearing her billi blanket and it's the sweetest thing imaginable. I'll try to post pics soon.

Thank you ladies for being an amazing support through this pregnancy. I'm so excited to see all of you on SAIF very soon :) 

After a loss and 4 IUIs, a surprise BFP while on rest cycle due to cysts and "supercharged ovaries" brought us baby M.
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