Pregnant after IF

Insominia Vent

I have gone through bouts of insomnia off and on for the last few months.  Last week, I slept perfectly, barely even waking up to pee.   This week, not so much.  Yesterday I tossed and turned from 3 am on and was wide awake by 4:30, so I got out out of bed at 5:30.   Tonight I have been tossing and turning since like midnight after passing out cold around 9:30.  I have been wide awake since like 1.   Best part of all this:  I had my first day back to work yesterday after the summer off.  Professional development with be FANTASTIC today!
TTC since Jan. 2010 DX Unexplained infertility
3 IUI's w/Clomid & Ovidrel=all BFNs
3 IVF (2 Fresh, 1 frozen) =BFN
Love, Marriage, and Baby Carriage!
Anniversary Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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