Pregnant after IF

If you got through IF, you can get through...

Just about anything! I found myself nauseous, exhausted, hungry and thirsty after gulping the Glucose drink this morning at my 1 hr GCT appointment. All I wanted to do was nap/ barf/ eat breakfast and when food was delivered to the front desk staff and nurses I thought I was going to lose it! I thought back to this time last year, going to RESOLVE meetings, the RE, all the depression and uncertainty, and suddenly being tired, hungry, thirsty and wanting to puke for an hour or so wasn't such a big deal. I'm not saying I'd like to start every day this way, but there's something to be said for reflecting on what you've gotten through when things aren't so great. So glad for the countdown to be in double digits and to have had breakfast!
TTC since 8/10.Hypothyroidism, put on Synthroid. Clomid 50 mg + IUI Oct '11 = BFN. HSG found blocked tube Nov '11. Lap + Hysteroscopy to remove tube and fix septum Dec '11. Cancelled following cycle due to lack of response to Clomid. Jan/Feb '12 Clomid 100mg + Folllitism + HSG + Vivelle Dot + IUI #2 = BFN. 3/30/12: Natural Cycle BFP - beta 59 @ 12dpo, beta 286 @ 16dpo Baby boy arrived 12/8/12!
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