November 2012 Moms

I feel so lost about storage/organization.

Babies have SO.MUCH.STUFF. I just feel lost on where to put it all,. I am not even talking about the big stuff. I am thinking blankets, diapers etc. Also things like bibs and burp clothes, receiving blankets. I can?t even imagine where we should put those. Furthermore socks and undershirts etc are so tiny and our drawers are so big, I am thinking we will need drawer organizers, but again I do not even know where to start. Lastly, this is sooo stupid, but I can not seem to figure out what gets hung up vrs in drawers. I plan to have a under the crib bin and basket type things in his closet, but wheat goes in what I am lost on.

This week we will be starting on the nursery and as excited as I am to finally be doing this stuff, I am feeling very overwhelmed with what to do with everything.

I know I am getting a head of myself, because A we do not even have 100% of everything yet and B, most importantly we have no idea what our routine will be and what will work with us and LO. I realize this will really be a process that develops over time. I am willing to accept that, but for now I would like some order and some idea of where to start.

Anyone else feel this way or have tips for what is working for them?


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