Pregnant after IF

MH Surprised Me <3

So I know it is early, but MH and I are just so excited that last weekend we checked out baby furniture and then made a purchase last Monday evening.  BRU shipped everything to us by Friday (surprisingly fast!), so yesterday, we decided we wanted to open the packages to make sure nothing was damaged.  This was all I expected bc it was after all, "Sunday Nap Day".

After checking the items, I left the room to do chores and lost sight of what MH was doing (I assumed a nap), but he had actually put together the crib & changing table - he completely surprised me!  He is so good to me.  Smile

Only downside is BRU sent us the wrong color wood for the dresser, so that has to go back (all 128 pounds of it).  The upside is since it was their error there is free pick up and delivery for the right item.

TTC since 4/2010 - Me: 29 DH: 29
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