Pregnant after IF

Baby Ben arrived!

Just a quick post about the arrival of my sweet little Ben!

 I had hoped to VBAC this time around, but had kind of come to the end of my time before I had to schedule a c-section.  I was thinking I would go into labor earlier in the week since I was already 5 cm dilated on Monday.  Guess it just wasn't meant to be because I made it to my scheduled c-section on Thursday just fine.

I went into the hospital settled into a room while we waited for the OR to be ready for my c-section.  There was a delay from my orginal time, but it was not too bad just waiting and watching TV.  The c-section was over in about 30 minutes from start to finish.  The spinal was easy, the surgery was fine and Ben came out screaming!  They actually had to use a vacumm during the c-section to get him out since his head was so large.  My OB said she was glad we decided to do the RCS vs. VBAC because of his head size and what had happened with my even smaller ds #1.

Ben was born on 8/23 and weighed 7lbs 11oz and 20.75 inches long.

Not going to lie....BF has been tough.  Like really tough.  I didn't expect that to be the most difficult thing we were to encounter so far, but we will just keep after it.

And for a quick picture (I'll post some better ones later)!


~after 34 cycles we finally got our 2nd little bundle of joy~
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