April 2012 Moms

Fleeing the devil state known as Oklahoma

Anyone who knows me knows how much I hate Oklahoma. I'm a Texan so it is in my blood to hate this place. Well I hate it even more now. We decided to get a hotel for the night so we could spend more time with Chris' family. I went with Priceline and got a 1 star hotel, but it had great reviews. Two rooms and two beyond tired kids later we are in the car on our way home because the air conditioners weren't working. The excuse was that it was hot today. Bitsch please. It had been raining for a while before we got there. Hopefully Priceline will negotiate my butt a refund!
i wish i could be joking but my dad is the music teacher at a church so he owuld be mad. we had sex, all the time how bad i know but we dont want to wait and he said GREAT OH KAY! and I was really feeling the wets? down there- too embarsed to say- but he acted like man.
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