Pregnant after IF

When did you share pg?

Our first IVF cycle, DH and I shared our BFP with our immediate family right away. We learned from that mistake after it turned out to be a c/p. this time  we didn't even tell anyone we went through another cycle. 

We are planning on sharing with our parents sometime between weeks 10-12, after we've had (hopefully!) 2 good u/s. we will share with everyone else once we are in second trimester (again... Hopefully!!). I'm so anxious this time around.  

When did you share with your family/friends/everyone? 

Me:28, DH:28 TTC Since 2009
dx: MFI 0% morph & low count. Occasional Anovulatory cycles.
IVF #1 4/21/12 - ended in c/p
IVF#2 8/1/12 BFP!
Grace Charlotte due 4/24/2013
7 snowbabies waiting!
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