
Paper thin uterus during c/s?

I had my 3rd c/s about 2 weeks ago, and during it, the OB said my uterus was 'paper thin'. He could see DD's hair through it, and barely had to touch it with the scalpel to open it.  He said I was "pushing my luck" but that I could have more kids if I wanted, there's just more risk.

 I would never do anything to endanger myself for the 3 kids I already have, and DH and I were undecided on a # 4. It's just sad to me that the choice might be taken from me, although I know how blessed and lucky I am to have the beautiful, healthy children I do have.  (DH feels like we're pretty done, but we hadn't closed the door on it and weren't planning on permanent BC at all.) 

 I'll obviously talk this all over with my regular OB at my pp appt., but has anyone else had this experience? What did your dr. say about more kids? 

Aidan Jake 7/25/08 Cooper Cole 7/27/10 Tessa Morgan 8/9/12
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