Pregnant after IF

Just let me be happy (NBR)

I really just need a moment to vent...

But my very close coworker is SUCH a Negative Nelly!  I can hardly stand it!  I am all about listening to people who are having bad days but it is just so hard when she is having a bad day literally, every day.  I get IM's and emails loaded with curse words and complaints about who did what to her and how "pissed" off it makes her (sorry for any language that is offensive) and it is really just hard to listen to.  Every story is about who is annoying her, asking her to do too much, blah blah blah!

I will absolutely continue to be supportive of her and listen to her bc she clearly needs it and she is one of my good friends, but GOOD LORD WOMAN!  Would it kill you to share a positive story?  Smile  I haven't been as happy as I am now since we started TTC so I am just trying to make sure my mood isn't fouled

TTC since 4/2010 - Me: 29 DH: 29
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