Pregnant after IF

Rhogam questions...

Hi again ladies! I learned a lot about Rhogam shots in your responses, thanks for that. I knew they had to do it after my D&C and knew to expect it after this baby but had never heard the middle-of-the-journey facts before. Those of you who are more in the know than me ... can you think of any reason for why they have known I was bleeding for a month, and then yesterday all of a sudden decided I needed the shot right away? That's the most baffling thing about it to me.

Oh, and since you're all needle experts too ... the nurse got ready to do the shot and said "That needle is an 18! That's just mean. I'm going to find something nicer." She found a 22 which was much more bearable. ;) 

Married Since June 2008, TTC Since July 2009
M/c and D&C Mar 2011 at 9.5 weeks, Chemical/MC Jan 2012
2 IUI's with BFN
IVF June 2012 - 8R, 0F, Rescue ICSI gave us a 3dt of 2 (6 cell, 9+ cell), Beta #1: 70, Beta #2: 336, Beta #3: 1188
7/10/12: 1st u/s, 7/20/12: 2nd u/s w/ heartbeat at 7w0d
EDD: 3/8/12
Everyone Welcome! :)
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