Pregnant after IF

REs office is making me nervous... Updated :)

So, bleeding episode last weekend. Happens. It tapered off and I called for an ultrasound on Monday. They insisted on having me go to another location so I could be seen by an actual doctor. Cool. Went, got seen by a surly nurse (doc was busy but I didn't care because baby had a heartbeat), everything was okay. Scheduled my next one for Friday per my local nurses request.

Got a call this morning that there won't be a doctor in tomorrow morning and they really really want me seen by a doctor- could I travel to yet another location tomorrow or... Just come in this afternoon during consult hours.

Haven't had any bleeding or strange symptoms since Monday morning, I'd even convinced myself I'd overreacted to the weekends spotting. Now they've got me nervous again... Ugh.

On the plus side, I get to see the baby again today- but now they've got me worried I miscarried without even noticing in the last three days. Don't they know not to panic the infertile/already miscarried once/pregnant woman? 

Friends for 16 years. Married 9. TTC since January 2009
2010: Diagnosis: Severe MFI & Annovulation.
2011: IVF #1: Transferred 2 day 5 blasts- c/p.
FET #1: Transferred 2 day 5 blasts- Miscarriage of a singleton at 6weeks.
FET #2: Transferred 1 day 5 blast- BFN.
2012: IVF #2: Transferred 2 day 5 blasts- BFN.
FET#3: Transferred 2 day 5 blasts- Lost "Peanut" to PTL/IC at 17weeks.
2013: One frozen embryo left. My heart is still healing, but we may try again next year. Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
Formerly ecleptic. Dum spiro, spero.
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