Pregnant after IF

I'm back! (Losses mentioned) +shout outs :)

I am so thrilled to say, I once again get to join you.  Praying that 7 is the lucky number for us and it will be our rainbow baby.  I just checked my history and can't believe the last time I posted was with baby #5!  

Definitely needed the break from all things fertility related, and we miraculously became pregnant on our own for the first time a few weeks ago, we couldn't be more thrilled (sorta).  Since it wasn't planned, we haven't had time to get the rest of the testing for Dr. Braverman (repeated loss doctor) so my RE had to become my superman and prescribe the intended plan on his own so we would at least have a chance!

 The very high amounts of steroids seem to be working so far, so we are pretty optimistic.  My last beta came back strong, and the first ultrasound showed a sac (which we've seen 4 times before--never make it past this point).  The only difference is I am having A LOT more symptoms then I ever had, and am sick non-stop, which is associated with a lower m/c rate, so we will see!

 The heartbeat check aka u/s #2 will be on Monday.  Please pray/keep us in your thoughts that this is finally our take home baby and we will finally see the much anticipated heartbeat!

So happy to see so many new BFP's and can't believe how far some of you are along now.  

Byrne- Can't believe the day is finally here! Congratulations! Praying baby makes an uneventful entrance into the world today!

Cmartin- So happy to hear that you are expecting!!! Hoping you get to spend lots of time with the surrogate despite all the travel!

Aegis- I'm so sorry to hear you have to deal with the SCH again-Praying for you and baby!

Bella- I can't believe you are 21 weeks already!!! A baby boy!! Congrats :)

Emily- Missed your BFP, congrats!!

Lovebug- Hope the baby makes their entrance soon!!

Luv- OMG Triplets??!!? So happy for you x 3!

Worms- I don't see any posts from you, but hope you're doing okay and bed rest isn't treating you too badly! 

Kelnyc- If I remember correctly you are due very very soon! Hope things have been uneventful and baby sneaky arrives safe and sound!

4legs- A boy?? How sweet! Congratulations!!

Angela- Congratulations on finding out it's a girl! Hope you're feeling well!

Jill- So sorry to hear you're having trouble with your #'s, I hope the Glyburide does the trick!

Amd- I can't believe you're already 17 weeks, last time I was on, you hadn't had an ultrasound yet, Twins!!! Congrats!

Cgold- Hope Henry and Emma stay cooking for a little longer and aren't giving you too much of a run for your money!

Ruthie- Couldn't find out if you found out the sexes yet or not, team green? Hope the past few weeks have been uneventful!

Katespade- Holy crap another trips!!!!! Congratulations x 3!!!!

Melle- Congratulations on the double team pink!

Drubie- I hope the baby arrives safe and sound very soon!

Branmuffin- Omg, so glad to see you here!! Congratulations!

Hunter- Congratulations on your boy!!

KellyRN- Congratulations on the surprise BFP, I couldn't be happier to see that post!!!

Vanessa- So sorry that you have to deal with more needles!

Rachey- So glad to see you here! Congrats!!

Jezebell- Congrats on the BFP!! Praying this is it for us<3

Lynda- I don't see any posts from you, but praying you and baby are doing well!


So sorry if I missed anyone, it's been awhile!! Look forward to reading all of your posts again, missed you girls so much!



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