Pregnant after IF

back from echo

As requested, here's how the echo went:

So the OB couldn't find a HB with the doppler in clinic this morning so that was stressful. We had the echo this afternoon and it was great!

I couldn't see much of the screen but DH could. I cried a little when they got the HB and realized just how worried I'd been. Baby was moving a LOT - looked like it was just dancing away. Took them a long time to get the images they needed - over an hour and we were interrupted by a fire alarm in the middle so had to evacuate for about 10 minutes. In the end, baby's heart looks normal for gestation and I measured 12w2d.

 I think I was still in disbelief that I am pregnant but I'm not now and ready to tell the world if they ask!

And just FYI, the echo is not routine in Canada - it was for a research study to see if it's a worthwhile 1st Tri screen that should be offerred routinely. I have a follow up study at 17-20 weeks.

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