Pregnant after IF

~~2nd Tri Check In~~

Will now be on Wednesdays - sorry, I have several meetings on Tuesdays that prevent me from bumping enough to get the CI posted.

I loved reading about everyone's nurseries last week! Such cute stuff and creative designs!

I hope I have everyone's info correct. If not, please let me know right away so I can correct it.

How are you feeling? Any exciting news or updates?

QOTW: Are you and your DH/SO planning a babymoon? If so, where are you planning to go?

If you are new to the check-in please reply to post and include your due date and whether you are pregnant with a singleton or multiples and your team color if you know it.


If you are moving on to 3rd tri please let us know and Congrats :)


Welcome to our new ladies and congrats on a huge milestone!

elizabeth0705 - Congrats on team purple!

nycitygirl - I didn't see your a/s result - did you find out the sex of your LO?

Run20K 11/10/12      Girl
mizzougal08 11/10/12      Twin Girls
psychmusetls 11/15/12      Girl
nancyjane5150 11/18/12      Twins- Boys
katie599 11/18/12      Twins-Boys
IttyBittyBaby 11/19/12  
HappyIAm 11/24/12      Boy
Faith722 11/25/12      Boy
lisaiesha 11/28/12      Boy
MrsLouis12 11/29/12      Twins- Boys
maby22 12/2/12      Twins- Girls
BBN2012 12/3/12      Boy
tgreenf 12/6/12      Twins- Boys
dancinaggie 12/6/12      Girl
angela2004 12/8/12      Girl
srveatch 12/12/12      Girl
elizabeth0705 12/14/12      Twins - Boy/Girl
Pnut30 12/17/12      Boy
4LegsRBest 12/21/12      Boy
LauraBeth1401 12/27/12      Girl
bellalou32 12/28/12      Boy
tst1998 12/29/12      Team Green
chels38026 1/2/13      Twins - Girls
laureniskeen 1/3/13  
lferr417 1/4/13      Boy
eponine7682 1/5/13      Team Green
Mrs.AmyDylan 1/11/13      Team Green
mdluv21 1/11/13      Boy
nycitygirl1 1/12/13  
Brummy14 1/15/13      Twins
nuttycoconut 1/16/13      Twins
amd1982 1/25/13      Twins
greely0729 1/28/13      Twins
sekura 1/28/13  
Robeano 1/29/13  
tombomb84 1/29/13      Twins
janabananac 1/30/13  
schenena 1/31/13  
winofairy 2/3/13  
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Me: 35 DH: 38 TTC since 9/09
#1 BFP 1/10/11; missed m/c discovered d&c 2/14/11 (7 weeks 5 days)
Lap & HSG 9/14/11 Dx: Endo (Hetero MTHFR mutation)
#1 IUI: 175 uL Follistim + Trigger IUI on 1/18 = BFN
#1 IVF/ICSI ER 3/30 ET 4/2 = 2 x 7-cell and 1 x 5-cell transferred = BFP!!
Beta #1 4/16 = 321 Beta #2 4/18 = 692 4/30: hb 168bpm
The Muppet was born at 41w2d on 12/29/12 - be still my heart!
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