Pregnant after IF

Question for you ladies...

Hi!  I am active on the IF board. DH & I have been trying for 4 years and have been diagnosed with azoo.  We finally had our first IVF and ET was today.  We had 14 eggs from ER but because of azoo only one fertilized :(  Today we had our 3 day transfer and our one embie was a 6 cell with 30% fragmentation. RE said our chances for success are about 30%.  I am trying to stay positive, but I am not doing so well. Do any of you know of a success story with our numbers?  Any info would be greatly appreciated! 

TTC #1 since Dec. 2008 01/10 - DH diagnosed with Azoospermia 05/10 - First Biopsy - producing sperm :) 08/11 - Second Biopsy..4 vials frozen 08/12 - First IVF BFN & no more vials :( Don't know our next plan...
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