Dads & Dads-to-be

Can I get a mans perpsective here???

Hi all,

 FTM here and our baby is now 4 weeks old.  In the short 4 weeks of her life DH has gone golfing atleast 5 times.  That is all he talks about during the week and every Sunday he is gone 5-6 hours.  I try to tell him that it needs to take a back seat right now with a newborn and he really just truly doesnt understand. 

I am getting the impression that he didnt think life would change when we had our baby...He still wants to get up, go to work, come home, be in bed early, and golf on the weekends. 

My opinion - he is going to work every day and although I am on leave I am "working" too taking care of our newborn.  So when he comes home from work although we are both still "working" since a baby doesnt end at 5pm it is more split duty.  Then the weekends are for us to spend together as a family and to help eachother out in caring for her.  This is both our opportunities to catch up on sleep with naps and just enjoy eachother and our new family.  I feel like when he goes golfing on the weekend that just makes me have to "work" 6 days a week. 

I cant help but feel like he is choosing golf over hanging out with us.  (Is this just me being hormonal and sensitive??) 

Also, I dont think I would mind him golfing every weekend except that then during the week all I hear is "I am so tired, I am so exhausted, etc".  But not too tired to go golfing in 100 degree weather!!

If he is so tired and exhausted shouldnt he use the weekend to catch up on sleep so he can help me out? 

Sorry for rambling!  :)   

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