Dallas-Fort Worth Babies


Hi ladies

I usually post on the Swap Spot board to trade and sale baby items and coupons, but shipping larger things like formula tubs is not worth the expense, IMO, so I thought I would see if any ladies here would be interested in a swap locally.

In the beginning we had to supplement with formula, and had to try a few brands, so these tubs were purchaed by me and are sealed, never opened.


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I have (2) of these, retail for 22.99 each, asking $25 for both, in either gift cards or cash


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I also have (1) unopened box of these, and one box where I have used about 1/3 of the packets. They are wrapped individually. The box retails for around 10.99. I would like to trade for around $8 in cash/ gift cards for both the new box and 1/3 used box.

I can swap/sale all for a total of $30 for a combo of gift cards/store credits/ or cash. Also, if you feel like there is something that I could use that you have to trade, feel free to make an offer.  If you go to the Swap Spot board you can see my feed back from other bump members that I have traded with. I can meet in a public place during the day. I live in Dallas and work in Frisco. Let me know if you are interested. My PMs here dont always work, so please email me jackie _ lopez (at) baylor (dot) edu.

Thanks for reading :)

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