Pregnant after IF

New here, how do I?

Include all my info (about my fertility issues, pregnancy) in my signature line like you all do?  I see where I can add a ticker, but not where I can enter my information. 
TTC#1 since 2/10
Me:33 DH:36 DX: Unexplained IF
3 cylce Clomid BFN
1 cycle unmedicated IUI
3 cycle IUI w/Clomid BFN
IVF #1 Jun/Jul 2012 ER 7/16 12R, 9F
ET 7/21 one grade AA blast transferred, 7 frosties
7/30 Beta#1 263 8/1 Beta#2 698
8/8 u/s (for OHSS) showed empty gestational sac
8/15 u/s (6 wks 2 days) little bean with a heart rate of 122!
8/30 u/s (8 wks 3 days) - last appointment with my RE. Heartbeat 177, measuring 8 wks 4 days
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