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I need a guy's perspective....BADLY. (TMI potential!!)

I created an AE on here because I'm a regular and I don't care for this one to be out there.

My husband and I have a very active sex life.  He literally receives 6-8 bj's a week.  I'm not on BC (going to try to conceive again soon, so didn't want to go back on anything hormonal), and he hates condoms, so we've been doing oral.  We've always really enjoyed that more anyway.  I get maybe 3 times a week reciprocated back to me, but that's my choosing.  I have to get up for work at 4am, and by the time we get the baby (9.5 months old) down at night, I'm pretty spent.  I love giving him BJ's.  It turns me on, he's happy, win-win.  He's a SAHD, so he doesn't have the 4am wake time I do. (I'm just giving relevant info here).

Well, last Friday, everything was great.  We both got our kicks.  Saturday, we both have a bit too much to drink while baby was spending the night with friends, so sex was kind of a failed attempt...but hey, no big deal.  Sunday night, I accidentally nick him on his c*ck.  Not bad, but we can't finish.  Monday he takes a break too, letting it heal.  Tuesday, I have to go to the doctor for some issues I'd been having.  That night, I resume and give him a BJ.  Then last night, I took my meds, and unexpectedly, they knock my a$$ out.  I fell asleep on the couch at 8:30 and didn't wake up until 4am this morning.  Luckily I woke up, because I hadn't set my alarm and he didn't set one for me.  Then he starts acting all pi$$y with me.  Saying "you just passed out on me last night...thanks."  And just acting kind of cold.  Then he calls me while I'm driving to work telling me what a crappy week it's been, etc.

This has gone ALL through me this morning.  I'm just sitting at work stewing.  I gave him a damn BJ the night we brought our kid home from the hospital!  I did it the whole time I was pregnant, even though I threw up constantly for 7 months.  I mean, since Friday night, he's gotten two complete BJ's and 2 attempted ones. LOL.  Am I wrong in thinking even  that's above average?

He's an awesome dad and he's really amazing to me.  I just don't know how to handle this when I get home, because I'm afraid I'm going to go off on him and tell him what a selfish as$ he's being.  How should I approach this?  He's apologized to me, but I guess I just feel like I need to get it off my chest, because there are going to be times where I can't do it every f*cking night.

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