Single Parents

Becoming a Single Parent soon...

Hi everyone,

I've been lurking a bit recently and have decided to introduce myself in order to receive support from women who are going/have gone through similar circumstances.. I am currently 33 weeks pregnant with my 1st child and filed for divorce last week. My husband whom I have been with since I was 15, and married for 6 years (anniversary ironically this Sunday) has been cheating on me with a coworker of ours (we work together).. I found messages between them for the first time last October, again in March, then found her spending the night at his petsitting job twice in the last month. I desperately wanted to work things out for our family and everything we have together, but he has decided he is in love with her and cannot bear to be with me any longer. I'm so hurt and lost... This isn't the man that I married; it was never an abusive relationship and we've always had so much fun and shared so many amazing times. I'm having the hardest time letting go, but I have a beautiful baby girl joining us in 6 weeks and I need to be strong for her. ANY encouragement or similar stories or anything would be so amazing to hear. I have a lot of support but nobody that I know has ever gone through something so life-shattering. I'm hoping to get to a place where I can move forward, and when/if he finally realizes what a terrible mistake he's made, I can reject him and do what's best for my daughter.

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