August 2010 Moms

"Best Friends"

Do you think your 2 year old has a best friend?  Do you force that? Some Moms I know seem to have a need for their toddlers to have best friends.  These kids are 18-20 months old.  Two Moms of 'bestest friends' had a falling out, and now I see that this Mom has found a new girl to claim.  I heard the grandmother telling someone that 'oh, the girls are very close'.  They steal toys and bump into each other like every other under 2 year old.  I'm wondering WTF is wrong with people, but maybe it's just me.
TTC since September '08 After 2 m/c - lap for stage 3-4 endo Oct '09 Bravelle w/Ovidrel trigger - iui on 11/07 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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