Pregnant after IF

Empty sac at 5 wks 2 days - odds?

I have my second ultrasound (6wks2days) tomorrow and I'm really nervous.  Last week at 5 weeks 2 days I had an ultrasound for my OHSS and the tech was able to see the gestational sac but no yolk sac and no fetal pole.  They told me this was normal, but I'm really nervous that I won't see anything tomorrow.  The sac was measuring 5 weeks, 3 days.  Anyone else have an ultrasound that early and everything turned out okay?
TTC#1 since 2/10
Me:33 DH:36 DX: Unexplained IF
3 cylce Clomid BFN
1 cycle unmedicated IUI
3 cycle IUI w/Clomid BFN
IVF #1 Jun/Jul 2012 ER 7/16 12R, 9F
ET 7/21 one grade AA blast transferred, 7 frosties
7/30 Beta#1 263 8/1 Beta#2 698
8/8 u/s (for OHSS) showed empty gestational sac
8/15 u/s (6 wks 2 days) little bean with a heart rate of 122!
8/30 u/s (8 wks 3 days) - last appointment with my RE. Heartbeat 177, measuring 8 wks 4 days
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