Single Parents


I need some legal help or most of all some kind of support.  I am 7 months pregnant my child is due in Oct. The father of the baby has been pretty much out of the picture since he found out about it.


Let me give you some history about us. We were together for 5 years. Last year he told me that he got some else pregnant two days AFTER his son was born. I forgave him and stood by him. Since then things have been very hard for us. Well when i got pregnant he kept telling me to get an abortion. I couldnt do it so i decided to keep the baby w/ out his support.


Well he started to come around acting like he cared but he never showed up to any appts and would MIA on me for weeks! He would call on the random. Well i found out yesterday that he got married to the women he cheated on me with. He never told me this. They got married in march and we have talked since he got married but NOT once did he say anything about the marriage. When i finally confronted him about it he said he did it because he did not want to get deported.


My issue is what can i do to keep him out of my childs life. My main reason for it is because i DO NOT TRUST HIM at all because of all the lies he has told me and MOST of all i DO NOT TRUST this women that he married and cheated on me with. I am beyond terrified of what she will do to my child since she does not like me. PLEASE TELL ME WHAT ARE MY RIGHTS


He will NOT be in the birth of my child i have changed my number and i am avoiding him at all cost. help me please!

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