Pregnant after IF

Odd beta curiosity/question

So, I've done my research and I know that the higher your beta gets, the slower it may double. I've had just the opposite happen though, my doubling number has dropped every single time it's tested- starting at a sedate 54 hours, then 49, and now beta4 is under 33 (apparently my doc stops giving detail at ">5000"hcg)

 I'm not fretting about a miscarriage at the moment, just curious If anyone else's beta numbers doubled faster as they went :) It's kinda novel- my last betas never went above 2200 but my ultrasound was almost a week farther along. If I hadn't seen the ultrasound with my own eyes I'd be thinking twins!

Friends for 16 years. Married 9. TTC since January 2009
2010: Diagnosis: Severe MFI & Annovulation.
2011: IVF #1: Transferred 2 day 5 blasts- c/p.
FET #1: Transferred 2 day 5 blasts- Miscarriage of a singleton at 6weeks.
FET #2: Transferred 1 day 5 blast- BFN.
2012: IVF #2: Transferred 2 day 5 blasts- BFN.
FET#3: Transferred 2 day 5 blasts- Lost "Peanut" to PTL/IC at 17weeks.
2013: One frozen embryo left. My heart is still healing, but we may try again next year. Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
Formerly ecleptic. Dum spiro, spero.
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