Pregnant after IF

Intro, woohoo!!

Hello all!  Just wanted to introduce myself to the PAIF board.  After over 2 years I am pregnant!  Our u/s last week confirmed one baby with a strong heart beat and we are so thrilled.  I am so very grateful and blessed to be over here.  I recognize some from 3T.  Thanks for having me and thanks in advance for all the great advice :) 
TTC since 7/2010
Dx: Anovulation, Endo, only one working tube and ovary
IUIs 1-5 = BFNs
IVF #1 - ER 7/9 3dt 7/12
Transferred two beautiful 8 cell embryos
Beta #1 7/26 = 484 Beta #2 7/28 = 1045
. U/S 8/10 showed one baby with a strong heartbeat!
It's a BOY!!BabyFruit Ticker
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