Pregnant after IF

IVF success with an early blast?

Hi ladies, I usually post on GP and recently on IF.  I just had my first cycle of IVF and we did the ET today.  We had 15r, 10m, and 7 fertilized (half ICSI half natural).  Things were going great on day 3 and day 4 but today on day 5 only one made it to blast.  I know all you need is 1 but I was hopeful we would have 2.  It was an early blastocyst and too early to grade.

Has anyone had success with an early blast?  Just trying to stay positive.  Thanks! 

Anniversary Unexplained IF || TTC #1 since July 2011 || IUI#1 = BFN || IUI#2 = BFN || IUI#3 = Cx, overstimulated || IUI#3.1 = Converted to IVF || IVF#1 = BFN || IVF#2 = Cancelled due to low E2 || Changed RE, IVF#2.1 March 2013
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