Pregnant after IF

First U/S today :-)

We went in today for our first U/S and DH got to see the flicker of a heart beat.  I'm jealous that I didn't get to see it as clearly but I'm so glad it is there.  Our nurse had a hard time getting measurements because of the shape of my uterus.  I'm heading back in on Friday for the doctor to try to get a clearer look.  I had a patch of bleeding too but she said it is nothing to worry about since I haven't had any spotting at all.  It was so nice to have reassurance that everything is progressing.  I was working myself into a frenzy over the weekend about all the what-ifs.  I'm glad to have another U/S before I leave for a convention too.  I know I will never get tired of seeing that little berry!  My due date is March 30th.  
image TTC since 3/2011 Adenomyosis, LPD, hypothyroidism.
BFP on 7/20/12 after 4 cycles 50mg Clomid + IUI 2 large subchorionic hematomas & no heartbeat at 7w6d D&E 8/18/12 Sonohysterography found septum and necrotic tissue. Hysteroscopy to remove both 10/5 Antibodies testing came back negative! Woohoo!!
IUI #5 50mg Clomid + trigger = BFN
IUI #6 50mg Clomid + trigger = BFN
IUI #7 yet another round of @^*%#*&%$& = BFN
WTF meeting 2/18 to decide next steps
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