Idaho Babies

Boise Moms and Moms-To-Be Get Together!

Hello Boise Moms and Moms-To-Be!  I think it is high time we scheduled a get together!  Here's the plan:

When: Friday, August 17th, starting at about 10:30

Where:  Ann Morrison Park at the playground

Who: Any Moms and Moms-To-Be!  Bring your kids and friends,

I will be there at about 10:30.  I will put a sign on my stroller that says "The Bump Moms."  Since meeting at a park is simple, free, and open ended, come and stay as long (or as little) as you wish!  Feel free to RSVP, or simply just show up on Friday!  I hope to meet you then!

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BFP#2 12/2/12 EDD 8/24/13; No heartbeat at 6w6d
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