Pregnant after IF

1st u/s - Amazing! - updated

I finally had my first u/s today at 7wk2d.  We transferred 2 embies and found out we're having TRIPLETS!  We can't stop smiling and laughing.  I'm sure the shock will kick in eventually, but for now we're on cloud 9.

All babies are looking great - growth is on track and all had good heartbeats.  Now I'm hoping my OB will see me a little sooner than Aug 28th.  I just feel like I need some extra reassurance and guidelines prior to then.

ETA:  OB's office called a couple of hours ago and said they could not treat me because I'm now considered high risk.  They are referring me to a Perinatologist and will call on Monday with info.  I'm happy to know I'll be getting better care for these babies, but hearing the words "high risk" out loud was a little scary.

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