April 2012 Moms

Giving LO meds - halp.

So, we're finally on reflux meds, yay!  However, the administering of said meds is a bit tough.

The pharmacy gave me a syringe, and that's kinda tough, as even when I get it in his cheek he tries to push it out with his tongue.  

I picked up this yesterday and he just gagged on it today (kid has the worst gag reflex, if he's gay he'll be a terrible gay guy):


Does anyone have any other product recommendations?  So far I've just been squirting a bit into his mouth and then popping his normal soother into his mouth to get him to for sure swallow it, but that's still not all that reliable, as a ton of it ends up on his face/hands.


We'll just not tell H about this little fact, m'kay?
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