Pregnant after IF

NBR: Anniversary vent

My three year anniversary was yesterday and well I knew we weren't going all out I expected it to be better for than the last two.   Year one, we were in Walt Disney World (which was amazing) but that day ended in tears for both us as we watched all the families and realized it had been about a year of trying and still nothing.  It was the first time we realizes something was wrong.  Year two, we had just finished a failed FET and was talking to our RE about another fresh and were fighting with him to try to change something in the protocol.

We originally had plans to go to a real nice seafood restaurant in the area in place of doing gifts.  We thought that we would need the money for baby.  Dh is obsessed with Alaskan King Crab legs and doesn't get them a lot.   He saw that Outback was having a special with them and begged to change our reservations.  Fine.   He gets home from work and I have to convince him to shower.  He was working out in the warehouse all day and had just complained how sweaty he was.   Getting ready to leave he sees a card with his name on the counter and questions who would be sending him a card.  I ask him who else would give him a card on our anniversary.   He then says that he doesn't have anything for me because we said no gifts.   No gifts is one thing but not even a $2 card?  I really felt all he wanted and was focused on was his crab legs.   We get home and I suggest watching our wedding video.   He says it's too late (8:30) and he wants to watch  the olympics.   I end up going to bed early. 

I'm trying not to be upset but I thought that this would be the first anniversary that didn't end in tears since we are in such a better place.

On a good note, I was stalking our registry and someone bought our travel system!   That means all our big ticket items are bought!

TTC since Jan. 2010 DX Unexplained infertility
3 IUI's w/Clomid & Ovidrel=all BFNs
3 IVF (2 Fresh, 1 frozen) =BFN
Love, Marriage, and Baby Carriage!
Anniversary Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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