Dads & Dads-to-be

What do i do?

this will be my 4th baby but it will be my DH's 1st . We are having a lil girl in dec and he is BEYOND excited. our baby experience is so diffrent , i know what to look for when she kicks and what it supose to feel like , but also i feel it from the inside, so it dosent feel the same to me as it does for him . She isn't even born yet and she is already a daddy's girl he can put his hand on my belly, or talk to my belly and she goes kicking crazy !! I can feel it .... but he cant :( He gets disappointed and just so sad looking when she she kicks right under his hand and he misses it. He says he doesn't know what he is feeling for and i don't know how to explain it .

Does any Dads or Dads to be out there have a good way to explain what to look for when he is trying to feel her kick? Possibly something a guy will understand a bit better than my best of " a ball moving in a water balloon"      

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