Single Parents

so frustrated/overwhelmed (long)

I'm 38 weeks pregnant, and so far, even though I am doing this without any S/O it has been pretty non-stressful. But it seems like the further along I get the more things keep building up. 

I saved as much money as I could then moved from Charlotte to Winston to live with my parents who are helping support me. I feel bad about living with them, but it was really my best option and they are actually happy about it. It's going pretty well except the constant nagging of course, about everything I do. Which I have to be fine with since I'm living with them, so I can't really complain about that, although it gets hard to deal with at times. 

Anyway, to get to the main point, I don't have a job, so I let my sister who still lives in Charlotte borrow my car since she doesn't have one, until I start working again after LO is born. Well she killed it...I don't know exactly what she did, but it had to be towed away and I don't have the money to fix it or to get another car right now, and neither does she.

She is fine, but I am frustrated, bc now what am I going to do?!  I am obviously going to need a job soon and it's very difficult to find one when you don't have a car. But I can't get a new one without a job...I'm really stressing out right now. And it bothers me that she doesn't even feel bad! Bc my parents made my other 16 year old sister give her her car. She only cares about herself, while here I am, a soon to be single mother who was just trying to help her out, but now I'm gong to be struggling way more than I expected. Maybe I've been in denial about how hard everything is going to be, bc now it's all hitting me and I don't know what I am going to do...maybe I am just being hormonal. 

Also, LO is measuring 2 weeks small at my last appt, and I have an ultrasound tomorrow to see what is wrong and I'm really nervous about that too. Sorry to vent so much, but I needed to let that out. 

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