Babies on the Brain

A deal to TTC

Last night FI and I were talking about when we wanted to start TTC again. He's been laid up for the last month because he was involved in a hit and run on his way to work. We haven't wanted to TTC until he was well enough to work again. Well, he was cleared to go back on Friday! I, however, still don't feel confident in my body enough. I gained over 100 pounds while pregnant with DS (most of it came after birth. Because that's totally fair).

We have decided that once I lost 120 pounds, we would start actively trying for #2. I've never been so motivated to work our before! hahaha

February 19, 2010- BFP! March 14, 2010- M/C January 17, 2011- BFP! April 26th, 2011- It's a boy! Due September 20, 2011 May 2, 2011- Confirmed Gastroschisis August 7, 2011- Labor begins August 12, 2011- Max is born October 4, 2011- Max comes home!

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