Babies on the Brain

Surprise BFP....even when doctors said I would never conceive....

SO I am in complete and utter shock right now! I am 2 weeks late and I decided to take a pregnacy test. To my surprise...POSITIVE! About 5 years ago I was told by my doctor that my tubes are 100% blocked because of endometriosis and that I would never be able to conceive without doing IVF. I don't know what to make of this or even what to think. We are beyond excited but we are fearful that when we take the next test tomorrow that it will be nagative. The reason I took the test to begin with was because I was late (which I am usually only a few days late here and there), I have been having uncontrollable crying fits, my breast are super sore, and the past few days I have been taking naps which I never do. Everyone please keep their fingers crossed as this is a true miracle for us and we are super excited. Has anyone ever experienced false positives? Any thoughts?

 Thanks everyone!

IAmPregnant Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
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