Babies on the Brain

Impatiently Waiting after Stopping BCP

I have been putting off starting a family.  I'm still young (28), but my DH has wanted to have kids since before we met.  We've been together 6 years, married for almost 3.  I'm the type that plans everything out, some might say to the extreme (ahem, DH).  Once I make a decision though, I'm ready to dive in.  So, to the point of this, I've been off BCPs for 2.5 weeks now.  My doctor has given me the ok to start trying after one month BCP-free (I know there's a lot of conflicting advice on this out there).  DH and I decided not to tell anyone about this yet.... So here I am talking to strangers about my impatience!  I'm ready to start trying already!  Anyone else struggling with this, and/or anyone have anything they would like to share?  I just need a place to get it out.  Not being able to talk about it is killing me.... All I can think about is babies and everything that goes along with them!
TTC Starting 9/2012!
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