Single Parents

I feel like an idiot...

Ok, so I moved out June 30th. STBXH already had a girlfriend. When I spilled my guts to a girlfriend of mine she suggested I meet a friend of her booty call's. I resisted but after 2 weeks I gave in so she would STFU. He and I talked on the phone a few times and agreed to meet for coffee to make her happy and let that be that. We met on 7/13 at Starbucks. Here's the problem. We like eachother. A lot. I feel super guilty and kinda like a whore. He and I have seen eachother for coffee or dinner 3 times sense then. Turns out he is loaded. (I didn't know that little piece of information until he drove up to Starbucks in his custom Bently... eye roll Confused ) It should be noted that I am not a gold digger. The money thing almost turns me off to him. I almost think he is too good to be true. He is in amazing shape, is smart, funny, drop dead hot, and compliments me non stop. In a round about way he mentioned in conversation that "if we were to have kids" he could see himself calling my LO his, too. (note- STBXH is a good father, just a terrible husband)

Tell me its wrong, that I am supposed to be focusing on me and LO, and that he IS too good to be true. SOMEONE BRING ME BACK TO REALITY!!!  I know how bad and immature I am being, but then I get a text from him and I feel like a freegin 14 year old with a crush on Justin Beiber. Oh deer freekin Lord someone talk some sense into me.

The absolute love of my life... Nobody will ever come close... <a href="
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