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Breast Feeding vs Formula

There's been a lot of talk in the news about formula lately. I haven't following it closely but it seems as if people don't like hospitals handing out free samples of formula and they feel like formula is being shoved down their throat. It's even starting to get into politics.

They fail to mention the hospitals also have lactation consultants and help the mom breast feed. I felt the hospital we went to pushed breast feeding, but then said if it wasn't for you then here's some formula to get you started with. 

We were planning on breast feeding but my wife had a stressful delivery (baby's heart rate dropped) and her recovery was hard. This messed up her milk supply and our baby didn't take to breast feeding. After two weeks of trying our doctor said we needed to get his weight up or he'd have to go back to the hospital. We were forced to supplement with formula and my wife eventually lost her supply after about two months of trying. The sample packets of formula the hospital gave us helped us out tremendously the first time we broke down and gave him some.

I'm of the position where breast feeding is best, but there are circumstances that occur where formula is needed. I also think breast feeding is a personal decision. I think the facts should be laid out and each person can decide for themselves. I don't think a free sample of formula is going to change someone's mind, but could help someone in a situation like mine.

Feel free to give opinions, thoughts, stories, comments, your own plans, silly comments, or whatever.

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