Pregnant after IF

Sweet Moment

Went home for my baby shower this weekend, which was amazing!!! So much fun to have friends and family celebrating our little girl! I'll try to post a couple pics once I get around to uploading them (I"m really bad at that!)

But, the best part of my weekend...Sat night my 2 year old niece crawled up on the recliner with me saying "touch...touch baby" and she put her hand on my belly. My  5 year old niece had been trying to feel the baby all weekend and the 2 year old would copy, but we didn't think she understood what was going on. Guess she did. It was adorable!!!

2/11 Diagnosis: DOR-AMH .62, LPD and MFI-4% Morph
IVF #1-July 2011 7/9/11-Started Stims
7/20/11-ER:No eggs in 4/5 follicles. Left the 5th follie intact and converted to an IUI
8/3/11-Beta #1=BFN,
Nov, 2011 BFP #1=m/c at 7 wks 3 days
11/11-AMH .47, IVF #2 March 2012...or not!! Surprise BFP on 2/19. Beta #1=161. Beta #2 305 Our little miracle girl is on her way! Due Oct 29, 2012
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