Pregnant after IF

Hormones and iPads don't mix--vent

So I bought DH an early anniversary gift of an iPad so on his overtime shifts he can watch tv, read and play games. He burned through $30 of data his first night so I told him to rent some movies and download them first so he didn't have to burn through so much data. He left it until an hour before and then asked me to do it. That would have been fine except it wouldn't accept his password. I spent the hour on the phone being passed between AT&T and apple. He walked in the room to leave and said, "oh did you try this?". Of course it worked but by then it was too late to copy the movies or do anything productive. I know how silly it is but I just lost it and dissolved into tears. I hate that I don't feel like myself and situations that I used to excel in now make me cry. I lost it the other day over not having any vegetable oil to make muffins. It is going to be a long 9 months if I can't get my crap together. 

image TTC since 3/2011 Adenomyosis, LPD, hypothyroidism.
BFP on 7/20/12 after 4 cycles 50mg Clomid + IUI 2 large subchorionic hematomas & no heartbeat at 7w6d D&E 8/18/12 Sonohysterography found septum and necrotic tissue. Hysteroscopy to remove both 10/5 Antibodies testing came back negative! Woohoo!!
IUI #5 50mg Clomid + trigger = BFN
IUI #6 50mg Clomid + trigger = BFN
IUI #7 yet another round of @^*%#*&%$& = BFN
WTF meeting 2/18 to decide next steps
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