
Dr moved up my CS from Wednesday to Monday: a few questions

I am really getting nervous now! I can't believe the time has come already. I had a few things I had to take care of Monday & Tuesday (although I knew I could go into labor any day!) After the fiasco with my baby shower, I finally got the major things I need & DH put them together but I still feel so unprepared. I have tried to get my bag ready for the hospital but I feel like I need a lot of stuff. LOL Which brings me to my point of posting.....

How many pairs of pajamas did you bring?  AND were they pj sets or gowns? I hate the hospital gowns. I have plenty of family & friends who have worn their own pjs during their stay but I am not sure they had c-sections. I have two pairs packed so far but I am thinking I should bring a night gown for the first night atleast when I can't feel my legs & the nurses have to change my pad/clean me. I don't plan on sitting in pjs all day, especially when I have visitors (DH has a huge family) so I will need to pack some clothes too. I used a list from a post on here last weekend & when I made my list, I filled a page! lol.

Also, what did you do on your down time when LO was in the nursery? Besides sleep. I am not a great sleeper at home & rarely sleep more than a few hours in a hospital. DH wants to stay the entire time but he has no idea how uncomfortable the guest chair/bed is so I can see him leaving once the baby goes into the nursery. I know I can bring a book or somehting but I am just curious what other moms have done :-)

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