Pregnant after IF

S/O Flame Free Confessions: Visitors

My confession: My sister wants to come visit after the babies are born. We don't have a good relationship and we have very different values/ lifestyles/ interests... When I'm around her, she treats me like a child (there is a big age difference) and makes me feel like crap. I just can't imagine dealing with the drama when I am vulnerable and exhausted. I'm scared she won't stop criticizing me and telling me what to do. And, I'm scared I'll say or do something to make things between us worse. I shared my fears with my mom and she said I couldn't deny her the right to see my children. Just today, my mom mentioned her coming to visit right after the babies are born. We have only seen each other once in the last 5 years and we only speak a couple of times per year. Last year, my mom told me I couldn't come home for the holidays because she was going to be there and my mom couldn't handle the drama of having us both there. 

I don't want her to come and even worse...I don't see her having a big presence in our babies' lives. DH really doesn't care for her because he thinks she is a total drama queen and he hates the way she makes me feel. 

 Anyone else dealing with the visitor dilemma? 

Three TI cycles (BFP...miscarriage), five IUI attempts and 2.5 IVF cycles later...BFP!!
12dp5dt: 765; 15dp5dt: 1979; 17dp5dt: 3379...TWINS!!!!!
Our perfect baby boys were born at 36w1d!!
Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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