Pregnant after IF

Neurotic question (a little long, Re: v. early pregnancy)

I got a faint positive 7-31 and a strong positive yesterday. I had bright red spotting about an hour before my PIO shot yesterday- and it stopped right after the shot. Tested again today, another strong positive (thank god) but I just started spotting red again- a couple hours before my PIO shot is due.

My RE office doesn't want to see me for a beta until next Wednesday but I'm worried that I may need extra progesterone supplementation before then or I might lose this one too. I was away from a phone all day or I would have called during office hours. Is this something I should be calling the emergency nurse line for? I have crinone from a prior cycle and it'd be super easy to supplement- I'm just worried she'll tell me to wait to do anything until my beta next week... and I can't lose this pregnancy- it's our last chance cycle.

Call the night nurse or wait until tomorrow to beg the day nurse for reassurance?

Friends for 16 years. Married 9. TTC since January 2009
2010: Diagnosis: Severe MFI & Annovulation.
2011: IVF #1: Transferred 2 day 5 blasts- c/p.
FET #1: Transferred 2 day 5 blasts- Miscarriage of a singleton at 6weeks.
FET #2: Transferred 1 day 5 blast- BFN.
2012: IVF #2: Transferred 2 day 5 blasts- BFN.
FET#3: Transferred 2 day 5 blasts- Lost "Peanut" to PTL/IC at 17weeks.
2013: One frozen embryo left. My heart is still healing, but we may try again next year. Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
Formerly ecleptic. Dum spiro, spero.
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