Pregnant after IF

I'm having their baby

I guess it's time for me to go back to work b/c I'm becoming a little bit of a PW, but anyways.

I started watching the new Oxygen show "I'm having their baby" because I was happy to see adoption being given some focus, especially since this is a path we looked into.  However the infertile bitter came to the surface today as I was watching an episode.  An 18 year old girl already has a 9 month old, is 8 months pregnant and is living with her boyfriend.  The children each have different fathers and the boyfriend didn't father either.   She said when she saw the second pg test, that she just must not have learned anything.  NO SH*T!  

Even though I am pg, it is still hard to see someone like that get pregnant so easily and so carelessly.  I guess the infertile bitter will still show its ugly head.

TTC since Jan. 2010 DX Unexplained infertility
3 IUI's w/Clomid & Ovidrel=all BFNs
3 IVF (2 Fresh, 1 frozen) =BFN
Love, Marriage, and Baby Carriage!
Anniversary Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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