Los Angeles Babies

ICAN, August 5: Postpartum--Transition Into Parenthood

ICAN of West LA, August 5: Postpartum--Transition Into Parenthood


International Cesarean Awareness Network invites you to our August Meeting. (http://www.westlaican.com/)

Time/Date: 4-6PM on August 5, 2012

Location: The Spot Cafe, 4455 Overland Blvd, Culver City (kid-friendly room in the back of the coffee shop),

Cost:  Free

Guest Speaker: Claire Gillenson Chew, a specialist in helping women move through grief, will be here to work with us (http://clairegillenson.com/).

Claire asks us, "What if you could go from feeling stuck to more peace in minutes?" and she specializes in helping you get back to happy.

We're thrilled to have her come discuss the unique feelings present in the postpartum experience.


All meetings include time for an open discussion. All meetings include VBAC support and free advice from local doulas and guest speakers!

ICAN and ICAN of West Los Angeles are proud to help improve maternal-child health by preventing unnecessary cesareans through education, providing support for cesarean recovery, and promoting Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC).

ICAN and ICAN of West Los Angeles envision a healthy reduction of the cesarean rate driven by women making evidence-based, risk-appropriate childbirth decisions.



We hope to see you there!



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