Toddlers: 12 - 24 Months

Update to my desperate for sleep post below.

I let him cry last night. It broke my heart. He was alternating between crying and saying "mama, want you, mama". OMG. I was CIO too :( But I NEED more sleep, and so does DH. And so does LO!! He's such a busy body that I know he can't possibly have gotten enough sleep the last few nights.

I put him down at 7:30. He woke at 11:40, I gave him 3 oz of milk and put him back down awake (I was back in bed at 11:55). He cried until almost 1, and then slept til 4:30, cried for a few minutes, and went back to sleep til 6.

Tonight I plan to only offer him water when/if he wakes, and not pick him up. I'll tell him it's night night time, and he needs to sleep, and then that's it. I hope it works because I just can't bear ti hear him cry. I work full time, and we don't get a lot of time together already. When he cries for me and I can't get him, it just breaks me down so much. :(

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