1st Trimester

Headaches anyone?

I have had headaches every single day since 10dpo (July 25th). They start a few minutes after getting out of bed and last all day. Some days I get brief breaks from them, but they are pretty constant for the most part. it's more of a dull, achy, annoying pain. It isn't severe enough to send me to the couch or anything.

I don't get head aches ever. The only time I've ever really gotten them is when I was sick or a long time ago when I needed glasses. So I can only assume this is a pregnancy symptom (?).  It is literally the ONLY "symptom" I have. I don't have cramps, sore boobs, etc.... I told DH the other day, "as long as I wake up with a headache, I know I'm still pregnant." lol

Can anyone relate?  Did you get headaches early on?

Started TTC 7/12 BFP on 7/27/12. Suspected Miscarriage on 8/14/12 @ 6w1d. Betas checked and increasing every other day. EP found & removed from right tube on 9/7/12 @ 9w4d. image
My Ovulation Chart
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