Pregnant after IF

Do you believe IUI's work?

Here is our background:

Got pregnant in '08 with our DS immediately and had a great pregnancy/delivery. When trying for #2 we were unable to get pregnant again. Had HSG done and my RE found that dye "pocketed" on one side of my uterus. He said this must be scar tissue and that I am "blocked" on one side. We did timed intercourse, Comid, Clomid +IUI and still nothing. RE suggested moving on to IVF and we became pregnant with twins. Sadly, we lost them at 18 weeks due to pre term labor. :( Went back to RE when I felt ready and had a FET that failed. Tried a fresh IVF cycle and it failed as well. 

DH and I decided to take a break from everything and try on on our own. First month no luck but my cycle was off from the medications anyway. I went for a second opinion on my case yesterday and the new RE thinks my HSG results look fine and that the pocketing of the dye is only b/c I was laying down!!??!?! She thinks I can absolutely get preg on my own! 

She is suggesting IUI's (at least 2 attempts) to increase our odds. I feel like I have been through hell and back and I'm wondering what the general feeling is on IUI's. I personally don't know anyone who got pregnant from one. Does anyone have any thoughts or opinions on their own cases. I'm on the fence on whether or not to try the IUI's or just see what happens for awhile.


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