
My awesome C-Section experience!

So, weeks before my rcs, I was combing this board looking for someone with a positive experience and all I seemed to read were the posts about all the things that can go wrong with the surgery! Its like my eye was only drawn to the posts with the most terrible and rare experiences.

That is why today I decided to sit down and write a quick post about my second c-section because so far, it has been wonderful!! So this post is for all the women out there, like me, who just need to know it will, and can be, alright.

My first section was planned; she was breech, and so I knew that my second baby would be a section as well. I was terrified of the second section because my recovery from the first was less than fantastic. In all reality, the moment I found out I was pregnant with #2, I began to dread the delivery. It was terrible.

I should say that my first section had no major complications at all, but the pain and recovery was just difficult and frustrating in general. (I'm stubborn and hate asking for help...)

Baby #2 came out breech as well, and 2lbs smaller than #1 (she was 9lbs) and from the delivery on, it was a totally different experience. I was up that night, walking to the bathroom, and I was so surprised at how easy it was! I mean it hurt of course, but I knew to keep up with my pain meds so it was easily doable.

Day 2 was even better! I felt great and was limited in my movement somewhat because of the pain and whatnot, but overall it was amazing that I was able to sit up and get out of bed with ease, all things considered. I was showering and walking to the nursery all by myself by the 3rd day and on the 4th day I was ready to go home and even when I got home, I was able to stand and unpack a little. With my first baby I felt like I was tied to the couch the first week home! It amazes me how different of an experience I had this time around.

I'm just over a week out, and so far so great! I had my staples out yesterday and I feel like my old self again! I can lift my toddler somewhat and today I have been up cleaning and doing laundry like nothing ever happened.

Like I said, this post is for the women searching to find someone that had a great experience in hopes of making themselves feel more comfortable about the surgery. Now I feel like I'm gonna jinx myself with this post! Oh well...I wish all you ladies lots of luck!!


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